Thursday, July 16, 2009

Add A "Recent Posts" Widget To Blogger.

Add A "Recent Posts" Widget To Blogger.

This post is about adding a "Recent Posts" widget to your Blogger blog. Its pretty simple. You need not paste any code for this. The only thing is to burn your feed in FeedBurner. Note down your original feed url. You will need this to create the widget. Go, check it out.

Your feed url will look something like this.

Now login to your Blogger account. Go to Customize >> Add a Gadget and select "Feed" from the list.

Now type your original feed url under "Configure Feed" and press "Continue".

Here you can make changes to your widget. Give a title to your widget, "Recent Posts" or anyhting you would like to call it. You can also decide to add date and author name. You can decide the number of posts to be shown in the widget. It can show a maximum of 5 recent posts on the widget. Configure your widget and click save. Thats it. Job done.


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